Volunteer, Donate for Fitness Fun Day Nov. 3, 2023!

We need your help to make Fitness Fun Day great for our kids!

Fitness Fun Day, coming up on November 3, 2023 is Sligo PTSA’s biggest fundraiser, and it’s also a wonderful chance for our kids to have fun outside with their classmates. But it can’t happen without you: we need parents to sign up to volunteer to help during the event. The jobs are small, but your impact will be huge. Students will rotate between different fitness stations (shooting hoops, soccer, running and dance). New this year - tug of war! We need parents to help keep track of participation and simply spend time exercising with and encouraging the students. We promise, it’s a fun volunteer gig! Sign up today!   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E094EA4AB29A4FD0-45426148-volunteers#/

You can donate on the Fitness Fun Day Givebacks page which can be found here:  https://app.memberhub.gives/ffd2023/Members/Details

Se necesitan padres voluntarios para el día viernes 3 de Noviembre.  Mira aqui abajo “genius” de Inscripción y únete a la diversion!


 Gracias por apoyar a nuestra maravillosa escuela!  Animate a estar presente como voluntario.  Te esperamos!

Ustedes pueden donar en la pagina ‘Fitness Fun Day Givebacks’ aqui:  https://app.memberhub.gives/ffd2023/Members/Details


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